Terrys Chess Stuff

Friday, March 04, 2005

Sudhakar Rana v Terence [3rd March], Kings Pawn

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nf6 3. d3 Nc6 4. c3 d5 5. exd5 Nxd5 ...

Position at the critical stage:
White: Pd6, f2, f3, h3; Rd1, f1; Qd2; Kg1
Black: Pf7, g7, h7; Rd8, e6; Qd7; Kg8
White to play

1. Rfe1 Rxe6??
(O MY GOD. I realized only too late that this move could seal my fate. The winning sequence is 1 .. Rg6+ 2. Kf1 (If 2. Kh1 then 2.. Qh3 3. Rg1 Qxf3 4. Rg2 Qxg2#) 2.. Qh3+ 3. Ke2 Re6+ 4. Kd6 Rxd6+ and white loses his queen)
2. Re8+??
(White does not see QxRe6! Now its a win for black)
2.. RxRe8 3. QxRd6 QxQd6 4.
And white resigned


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